1. LF Online School Ethos Statement
At LF Online School, we engage students to achieve levels of success they never imagined. We deliver high-quality virtual educational experiences to all our students, fostering a sense of belonging and respect for one another and providing the skills to solve real-world problems through a love of lifelong learning.
2. Admissions Principles
LF Online School is committed to welcoming students residing in the United Kingdom and international students residing abroad, irrespective of:
- Age
- Race
- Sex
- Disability
- Religion or belief
- Sexual orientation
- Gender reassignment
- Pregnancy or maternity
- Marriage and civil partnership
We will seek to identify any adjustments required in relation to the protected characteristics cited above, such as preferred names for transgender or gender-fluid students. Upon admission, we aim to identify any children or young adults who may be particularly vulnerable, including those with eating disorders, those who self-harm, and those with ADHD and autistic spectrum disorders. Our registration system will include notifications from mentors if a student is in foster care, a care leaver, a child with a social worker, a young carer, or residing in private fostering arrangements.
At the point of registration, we ask parents or mentors to provide information about their child’s interests, hobbies, medical needs, and special educational needs so we can comprehensively plan for the admission and meet those needs.
We are flexible with the timing of admissions and encourage families to register students for transfer at usual entry points. We also accept students mid-school year, often at short notice. We accept registrations year-round with a typical turnaround time of fourteen days.
When a learner is fully enrolled, we notify the relevant Local Authority that they are receiving education from LF Online School. We also inform them when the child exits our roll in relation to our safeguarding and student welfare procedures.
3. Students for Whom English is an Additional Language
While our curriculum and intake are international, our courses are taught in English and delivered by English-speaking, UK-qualified teachers. We highlight the implications this has for students regarding their language proficiency in English.
4. Year Group Placement
If parents or mentors wish to request a student’s placement in a different year group, our registration form will enable this request. However, please see our related Admission Protocols for details of the admissions criteria used to consider such 'out-of-year study' placements and the related stipulations regarding safeguarding.
5. Admissions to LF Online School
Admissions are handled on a rolling basis throughout the year. Parents, mentors, and local authorities can contact us via the ‘enquiries’ email address. Existing customers can register interest through their business development managers and account holders. Customers (generally schools or local authorities) must complete an enrolment form and agree to the terms of payment.
6. Admission of Students with Special Educational Needs, Including Those with an Education, Health and Social Care Plan (EHCP)
Upon registration, we ask parents or mentors to share information about a student’s specific interests, aptitudes, and needs. Details of any special circumstances, including health, allergies, disabilities, or special educational needs, must be provided.
Parents or mentors must declare if students enrolling have an Education, Health and Social Care Plan (EHCP). This information will be made available to staff.
As part of the admissions process, we request the name and address of the child’s previous school. If the student has an EHCP, we will seek an overview of the school’s exit assessments, any action taken, and the latest progress reports. We will request copies of relevant professional reports and the EHC Plan itself from the previous school, family, or local authority.
The Health and Well-Being Coordinator will receive this documentation and arrange an initial discussion with the family. The Health and Well-Being Team will save EHCPs and related information confidentially on our pupil data management system and inform teaching staff of the specific needs of each student with an EHCP.
Early notification of any disability or impairment is valuable, as it enables staff to consider necessary reasonable adjustments. LF Online School is compliant with the Equality Act, and all staff are aware of the duties towards children who are disabled and the reasonable adjustments needed.
When a student’s needs are significant and there is little progress following interventions and support from professional agencies, the Head of Wellbeing may request an Educational Health and Care Plan. This process involves presenting detailed records to the relevant local authority, with full involvement of parents and mentors.
For further details, see the related policy: Educational and Welfare Provision for Students with an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP).
7. Safeguarding Statement
LF Online School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to share this commitment. This policy should be read in conjunction with our related policies on Child Protection and Safeguarding, E-Safety, and Safer Recruitment.