Training and Support
At LF Online Schooling, the safety and welfare of all children and young people is our top priority. We are steadfast in our commitment to safeguarding and promoting their well-being and expect all staff and volunteers to uphold these principles. Our robust and effective online safeguarding procedures are designed to support students, their families, and our staff.
Every member of our staff undergoes thorough training, receives ongoing guidance, and is provided with the necessary support to protect our pupils effectively. Concerns are escalated to our Designated Safeguarding Staff (DSs) without delay. LF Online Schooling collaborates closely with local authorities and Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hubs (MASH) to obtain advice, guidance, and to address any concerns in partnership with relevant bodies.
Designated Safeguarding Staff (DSs)
Our Designated Safeguarding Staff (DSs) are responsible for ensuring that robust measures are in place to keep children and young people safe at LF Online Schooling. They are dedicated to promoting the safety and welfare of our students in all school-related activities. The core responsibilities of our DSs include:
- Ensuring the safety of all members of the school community.
- Providing support, advice, and expertise to all staff.
- Liaising with staff on issues related to safety, safeguarding, and welfare, including online safety.
- Facilitating supportive engagement with parents and/or carers, especially in challenging circumstances, to promote the welfare of children.
- Maintaining accurate records and sharing information appropriately.
- Raising awareness and delivering up-to-date training on safeguarding and child protection.
- Listening to and prioritizing the views of children, fostering a culture where their voices are heard and their feelings considered.